For more than 40 years, the Department of Ophthalmology at UT Southwestern Medical Center has received national and international acclaim for its clinical practice and patient care, research, physician training, and peer-reviewed publications.
Comprehensive, Coordinated Eye Care
The Department of Ophthalmology offers the most comprehensive ophthalmic care in Texas. Our faculty members’ specialties cover all vision and eye problems and procedures including cornea, external disease, refractive and cataract surgery, glaucoma, macular degeneration, neuro-ophthalmology, ocular pathology, oculoplastic and orbital surgery, oncology, adult strabismus, retinal and vitreous disorders, and pediatric ophthalmology.
Laboratory scientists continue to contribute to the overall body of ophthalmic knowledge through research and patient-oriented investigation. We take great pride in bringing research from the lab to the bedside, and making a difference in patients’ lives by improving vision care. Our scientists develop and evaluate new drugs, devices, and therapies, many of which are available only at UT Southwestern.
Physician Training
One of the core missions of the Department is training the next generation of ophthalmologists. Our Ophthalmology Residency Program is one of the best, and is the largest, in the United States. Every year, 27 residents gain outstanding and rigorous clinical experience as a result of high surgery volume and clinical pathology. This environment provides an excellent base for these young physicians to go on to careers in general or subspecialty practice, or academia. We also have a high-quality group of subspecialty training programs in cornea, external disease, refractive surgery, anterior segment surgery (including cataract surgery), glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology/orbital diseases/oculoplastic surgery, vitreo-retinal disease, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and pediatric ophthalmology.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Our faculty members are among the most prolific publishers of scientific research in ophthalmology. Every year, our faculty members author or co-author more than 50 research articles in peer-reviewed journals. The publications include results from basic laboratory findings, clinical research outcomes, and adult and pediatric case studies.
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Applicants with dual-career considerations can find university jobs such as professor jobs, dean jobs, chair / department head jobs, and other faculty jobs and employment opportunities at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center or at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology and at other institutions of higher education in the region on www.AcademicCareers.com