Advertising Agencies: Use discount code AdAgency at checkout to receive the 15% Commission
For advertising agencies, the rates for individual job postings is gross. On job postings a 15% commission is allowed to agencies that have established themselves with us as an Advertising Agency.
Net Price: Put the word AdAgency in the discount box to receive an invoice for the NET price due to Academic Careers. You can pay by credit card or check/bank transfer. Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date.
To post your client's job, go to select "Post a Job" then create an Employer Profile for your client
or Sign In if your agency previously opened an Employer Profile/Account for this specific client.
You need to set up separate Employer Profiles for each of your clients.
The Log In ID for each account must be a unique email address. Keep the Log In email and selected Password for future use. If you have numerous accounts with us for various clients, we can create a work-around.
The fields University Name, Website, Location, Logo, Employer Description all relate to your client. The other fields relate to the ad agency. Then select Register.
When posting a job, most text can be pasted in from an existing search announcement. Please spread the text out over the 3 boxes provided.
Select the correct job categories matching the search. (Max. 5)
Tear sheets: Please make one after you enter the job posting.
For clients with Unlimited Job Postings Plans we also offer XML feed options.
Thank you for posting your client's job openings on Academic Careers.