Catholic Principles and Strong Academics
Assumption University is a comprehensive, Catholic liberal arts institution sponsored by the Augustinians of the Assumption. We awaken in students a sense of wonder, discovery, and purpose, forming graduates known for their intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good. Our curricular and co-curricular programs provide students with an education that shapes their souls, forms them intellectually, and prepares them for meaningful careers. We are a diverse community that welcomes different points of view and embraces all who share our mission. Enlivened by the Catholic affirmation of the harmony of faith and reason and by the pursuit of the truth in the company of friends, an Assumption education transforms the minds and hearts of students.
Your Assumption University education will prepare you to compete for the best jobs and career tracks, but there's more to it than that - you will be instilled with something far more lasting and life-changing than simple professional training.
You'll develop habits and skills of good judgment - and develop the confidence that you can hold and defend a sound argument based upon your own comprehension, examination and evaluation of facts and context.
In other words, you'll grow comfortable making sense of a world increasingly filled with ambiguity, distortions and diverse points of view.
As you grow as a student and as a professional, you will benefit from 2,000 years of the Catholic intellectual tradition and explore the teachings of scientists, artists, writers and philosophers who have engaged in a search for truth across all time and all disciplines.