United States Sports Academy

Work in the $400 billion sports industry is among the careers most appealing to today’s student. Those already in the industry know: Studying online with the United States Sports Academy can advance a career in sports. Whether you need a degree, continuing education, or a course or two, the United States Sports Academy has a wealth of sports courses to enroll in. With rolling registration, you can begin at your convenience. That’s just one reason 96% of Academy graduates say they’d recommend us to friends and colleagues.

The United States Sports Academy awards the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree. Especially in the master’s programs, learning in the field complements study in courses. Internships (in your local area, unless you choose otherwise) help build the professional networks that lead to satisfying employment. Alumni of the United States Sports Academy make up another network, one of sports’ most extensive. Many reports indicate, the number of graduates who get to work in the career studied is approximately 20%. But more than 75% of Academy graduates work in sports.

They are managers, teachers, administrators, entrepreneurs, coaches, healthcare providers, and researchers—and they are all about sports, at the professional, Olympic, collegiate, interscholastic, and recreational levels.

The United States Sports Academy was the first and is the only of its kind in the United States. It was established in 1972 to turn around a new scientific finding that linked poor preparation of coaches to the injuries incurred by the athletes they supervised. Today, coaches everywhere can prepare thoroughly for their work. Through sports-focused instruction, support of research, and teamwork with professional groups like the National Federation of State High School Associations, the Academy showed how to meet sports professionals’ educational needs.

The Academy’s first decades have also coincided with the general awakening to the role of exercise in health and the value of individual commitment to healthy living. This has meant expanding employment opportunities for our graduates.

The United States Sports Academy is America’s Sports University, with graduates worldwide. And we are ready to come to you.

See how we can meet your sports education needs by requesting more information today. Financial aid is available to those that qualify.