Kansas State University, Department of Art

Our Mission

The mission of the Department of Art includes professional and public service contributions. The expertise unique to the professional artist, designer, and teacher serves varied clientele, agencies, and associations in the community, state of Kansas, and the national and international community.

Our Commitment

A commitment to high quality undergraduate and graduate education in the visual arts is the cornerstone of the mission of the Department of Art. Quality teaching is enhanced by the creative research endeavors of the faculty who work closely with students to stimulate aesthetic and intellectual inquiry in both theory and application. The Department of Art prepares its students to become practicing artists who possess visual literacy, cultural and historical awareness, sound aesthetic judgement, and creative problem-solving skills. In order to ensure the successful implementation of the mission, the pedagogical practices, educational objectives, and curricular structure of the Department are guided by a series of preferred student outcomes. 

Our Accreditation

The Department of Art at Kansas State University is a NASAD accredited institution with eleven concentrations in studio art, graphic design and art history. The mission of the Department of Art is based on the recognition of the universal human need for visual expression, the necessity of the visual arts and visual communication in contemporary society, and the importance of cultural diversity provided for by exposure of the arts.