Texas Tech University, Department of Psychological Sciences

The Department of Psychological Sciences is currently home to 34 fullā€time faculty, 4 staff, approximately 130 doctoral students, and about 975 undergraduate psychology majors.

The department offers the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and Experimental Psychology (with emphases in Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience, Human Factors Psychology, and Social Psychology), as well as a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology (Bachelor of Science degree is currently being developed). Three of our doctoral programs are nationally accredited, including the Clinical and Counseling Psychology programs (American Psychological Association; APA), and the Human Factors program (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society; HFES). The accredited Doctoral Programs in our department are very well-regarded nationally.

In addition to our graduate programs, our department houses the Psychology Clinic -- a training and research center that provides psychotherapy and assessment services to the University, Lubbock, and neighboring communities. The clinic is housed in and operated within the Department of Psychological Sciences.

Although we are experiencing significant growth, it remains our mission to excel in teaching, nationally recognized research, and outstanding service to the university, profession and community.

We are sending more students to graduate school, law school, and medical school than ever before. I think you'll find that our faculty and students alike represent a broad range of expertise and interests.

Dedicated to the creation and dissemination of knowledge in the psychological sciences, our faculty members are outstanding teachers, researchers and professional leaders in psychology at the state, regional and national levels.

We take great pride in creating an environment conducive to learning, growth and development for all of our students. Our undergraduates have an excellent record of achieving admission to graduate programs and our doctoral student alumni have succeeded as academicians, clinicians, researchers and in related positions in industry.