San Diego State University, School of Public Health

The School of Public Health (SPH) at San Diego State University (SDSU) is one of four nationally accredited schools of public health in California, and located in one of the most vibrant and culturally diverse areas in the country, the SPH provides many opportunities for education, research, and community involvement to advance the state of knowledge in different health disciplines and to improve the population’s health.

The SPH provides both undergraduate and graduate education in population-based health disciplines to prepare students for professional health and public health careers, and to enhance the knowledge and abilities of current health professionals. Opportunities for education extend beyond the formal classroom through interactions with faculty on research projects and opportunities to become actively engaged in local and regional community service activities.

The SPH enjoys special collaborative arrangements with the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency, and other local, regional, and national health organizations.