The Health Department at the State University of New York College at Cortland welcomes applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor in health/human services beginning Fall 2024. This assistant professor will have teaching responsibilities for introduction to human services, case management, structure and function of human service agencies, and issues in mental health and behavioral disorders. Other areas will depend on individual expertise and could include coursework related to behavioral health, mental health, and counseling, health problems of the underserved, and fieldwork/internship supervision. Faculty are required to sustain an active research agenda, student advisement, and service to the department and university to support an equitable and diverse scholarly environment.
The Health Department has approximately 200 undergraduate and graduate students across our majors in healthcare management, human service studies, community health, and school health education. The department also provides required courses for a number of degree programs across the college. The department is seeking a faculty member with a background and expertise in the area of Human Services.
The College traces its beginnings to 1868 and offers a variety of undergraduate and graduate programs in the School of Arts and Sciences, School of Education, and the School of Professional Studies. Our many programs are designed to support our commitment to civic responsibility, environmental responsibility, international education, professional education, and social justice. More than 90 percent of SUNY Cortland’s undergraduate and graduate students gain hands-on experience through internships, volunteerism, civic engagement, and study abroad.