Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Supplemental Instruction Leader
Essential Duties
Ascertain course requirements and maintain contact throughout the term with the course professor. Actively recruit participants for SI sessions. Be prepared and be on time for each SI session. Be familiar with campus resources available to students. Plan SI sessions using a wide variety of interactive learning strategies (without re-teaching, lecturing, or completing students' assignments for them). Prepare handouts, informal quizzes, and other learning aids for SI sessions. Maintain a professional attitude at all times. Administrative responsibilities Collect attendance data survey for every session and turn it in weekly (Online) Follow all procedures and policies Meet with the course professor regularly Report immediately to the coordinator when critical issues arise Meeting with the course professor Time Commitment Allot 3 hours per week for professor follow-up with 2 meetings per week at a minimum Allot...